If you believe in Karma then you know the universal rule of what goes around comes around. How can we make amends for the negative energy from back then that has finally caught up with us in this moment in our lives?
If we have an illness it is because our subconscious contains the belief patterns formed from a past memory or event that has now given us that illness. Yet, how did we get that illness in the first place?
Memories are real. They can play in our subconscious and filter through to our conscious mind. They can cause us emotional pain. Trauma from past events gets stored in our subconscious the energy they contain continues to send signals to the brain. Yet, we remain unaware. Beliefs get passed down from generation to generation and form our genetic make-up. We carry the genes and we carry the memories. What our great grandfather did may come to fruition in our lifetime within us because we carry the memory. Also, what we did in a past life may catch up with us in this life.
So, what can we do to let go of the energy and and become issue free?
If an illness is caused by a memory (or series of memories) or a past event that is within us then it stands to reason that by saying sorry and asking for forgiveness for our part we can begin the healing process. We can allow ourselves to let go of the negative emotion attached to the memory.
The ancient Hawaiian healing technique of Ho’oponopono offers an approach whereby we can say sorry for and take responsibility for past actions. Then, by saying ‘I love you’, we can appeal to The Divine or our higher self to transform the emotion we feel into a more loving one.
If we use our conscious mind or logic to try and work out how we can heal ourselves of past memories we will never get there. We will go round and round in circles.
If we feel emotion from any event in our lives then this is where we need to work. Events show us what we need to work on.
We have nothing to lose by taking responsibility and asking for forgiveness for an illness in our lives. It takes us out of the victim mode. The clues to recovery are found by looking into our relationships and everyday events and our feelings towards them. Our outer world is a reflection of our inner world.
When we say ‘I love you’ to the perfect part of ourselves or the divine (anything that takes us to the state of pure love), our emotion is dissolved.
(Taken from www.alternative2counselling.co.uk)